WNJC in Washington Township, New Jersey, has been running tests the past three weekends on 1360 kHz. Despite WDRC on the same frequency only 16 miles away, I managed to easily hear WNJC as I wrote here two weeks ago and again last weekend. I assumed that I would be able to hear them again last night when I powered up the ICOM IC-R8600 at 0402 UTC and I did.
I wondered if I could hear it on my CCrane Skwave SSB receiver too, so I tuned the Skywave to 1360 at 0406 UTC and heard the WNJC voice ID followed by their Morse Code ID.
Needless to say, I was a little surprised that I was able to hear WNJC with the Skywave indoors using its internal antenna, but their signal was solid and was on equal footing with WDRC. I did not have to twist and turn the Skywave for best reception; the signal was good no matter where I positioned the Skywave.