My subscription to Life expired, but I still have a subscription to Mad.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015



I received the following question from a reader, "Do domestic stations issue QSLs anymore? When I was a kid they did."

Yes, they do, but probably at a diminished rate than in the past.

I had about a 50% success rate with AM radio stations way back when. Today, I don't know for sure because I have not sent a reception report in eons, but I expect that the success rate is poorer due to smaller staffs and automated stations.

The reader also asked, "To whom would I address the reception report?"

Address your reception report to the Chief Engineer of the radio station. Station addresses can be found at Radio-Locator.

Like I wrote above, I have not sought a QSL in a long time, but I think it is time to try again and experience QSLing in the 21st Century.

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